• Bachelor of Architecture, Tsinghua University
• Master of Architecture, University of British Columbia
THE COAST PALISADE CONSULTING GROUP (THE C.P.C. GROUP) was established in 1994 inVancouver, Canada. We are committed to providing a full range of planning and consulting servicesincluding urban planning, architectural design, interior design and landscape design to governments andreal estate developers.
We have more than 20 years of project design experience in China, and have completed more than 40million square meters of project design in categories including urban planning, urban renewal, largeresidential and commercial complexes, hotels, ofhces, cultural and educational buildings, boutiquehousing, creative and technological parks, and so forth.These projects are spread across dozens ofcities including Shanghai, Beijing, Chongqing, Wuhan, Zhengzhou, Guiyang, Chengdu, Suzhou, andDalian, among others.
We believe: A successfu design is the result of collaboration between professionals of many felds. it isfunctionally coherent, economically sound and aesthetically appropriate.
The international team provides unique design ideas and comprehensive and professional design services, and bringsexceptional experience and extraordinary value to their exploration of a client s needs and reauirements.
With a strong sense of social responsibility, we commence a design on the basis of a respect for the local historical andcultural context. Instead of imposing our ideas on others, we share our experiences with partners and experts in anattempt to create a people-centric environment that is consistent with local development and meets the client' s needs aswell.
The technical management team with more than 20 years of practical experience ensures that our creative design ideasfully meet the requirements of government regulations and construction practices, so that the completed projectconstitutes a fusion of design intent and technical integrity.
Being adept at recoanizing and identifving clients' needs, we often engage in more detaled and specihc investigations inthe form of research and development, which in turm informs our desian work, This process has been indispensable to ouradvancement of desian innovation.
We have collaborated with the wel-known international architect Mr Arthur Erickson, for more than ten vears on suchdesign projects as the Shenzhen lnternational Convention and Exhibition Center, the Suzhou Science and Cultural Centerthe Suzhou Jinji Lake Hotel, and the Kunming New Towns, a major urban planning project for the City of Kunming.
We have collaborated with the leading architect, Mr. Kisho Kurokawa on several desian proiects including the Bund No.15in Shanghai and Shanghai Jiading New Town.
We have maintained a close relationship with the CMHC, the Government of Canada's housing agency, and havecompleted a series of urban planning, sustainability planning and architectural design work in China in association withthem, including the urban planning for Shanghai Baoshan Gucun and the Shanghai Pujiang Zhigu lndustrial Park planningand architectural design.
Founder, President, Chief Architect
• Bachelor of Architecture, Tsinghua University
• Master of Architecture, University of British Columbia
• Member of the Architectural Society of Shanghai China
• Expert Committee Member of the Urban Renewal Professional Committee, the Architectural Society of Shanghai, China
• Honorary Member of the Canadian Far East Institute of Architects and Engineers
• Executive Director of the Tsinghua University Real Estate Association
• Committee Member of the AOTU Award Professional Committee
• Researcher for the China Decoration New Economy Research Center, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
THE CPC GROUP has more than 20 years of project design experience in China, and has completed more than 40 milion square meters of project design
●Shanghai Government
●Shenzhen Government
●Kunming Governmen
●Dalian Government
●Xi’an Governmen
●Taiyuan Government
●Tongling Government
●Guian Government
●Lianyungang Lianyun Government
●Hangzhou Planning Bureau
●Suzhou Industrial Park
●Chongqing Municipal Government